


When we are talking about household products, natural alternatives and eco-friendly products are just beginning to gain popularity. For a long time, majority of people didn’t realize the harm of chemicals we are using on a daily basis.

In 2021 you can live sustainably.

eco-friendly products

Not only because all chemicals are dangerous if swallowed, touched or inhaled, but also, because many of them can potentially get into our waterways and become extremely dangerous to the environment.

In 2020, you can live sustainably just by choosing the right environmentally eco-friendly friendly products that are available online. At Kiwi Eco Box, we are always trying to find those products and include them inside the new monthly box to help our customers to live green.

As climate change is a problem that isn’t going away, there’s never been a more important time to collectively become more aware of how we—as individuals, corporations and businesses—are affecting the planet.

The most difficult part was making a decision on which products to buy, as there is so much awesome technology out there now. It induced way more stress than being green should, which is why I compiled a list of the best of the best. It includes everything you need from kitchen to food to fashion in order to be more successful at sustainability.

Top 5 sustainable eco-friendly products.

Here are top 5 sustainable eco-friendly products for every household:

  1. Kitchen sponges

    The best kitchen sponge alternative is Loofah sponge, which actually is a vegetable in the gourd family, and It’s know from antic Egypt time. Loofah sponges are great for cleaning almost everything, anything that needs scrubbed but can’t withstand abrasive steel wool. 

  2. Natural bristle brushes

    If you’re already living Zero Waste, but don’t have bristle brush yet, we strongly recommend you to try it. It works perfect for cleaning bottles and narrow neck-jars.

  3. Homemade dish soap

    You can find lots of recipes online for any kind of dish soap online, as well as get it through various websites. For people accustomed to the super soapy dyed and scented commercial stuff—mighty be a challenging at the beginning, but think about the environment effect.

  4. Homemade window cleaner

    Use a rag to clean your windows with vinegar and water and dry with crumpled newspaper. Works better than any other chemical liquid, but has the same effect and will leave your windows crystal clear.

  5. Wax wraps

    Reusable Bee Wrap Wax Paper is one of the many eco-friendly products worth trying. It’s a great alternative to help protect your vegetables, fruits, cheeses, and snacks, and avoid using plastic snack bags. Crafted with bee’s wax, Jojoba oil, natural tree resin, and 100% organic cotton, wraps are safe and easy to clean and reuse over and over.

eco-friendly products

If you’re not looking to go all in yet, getting a non-plastic toothbrush is a good way to start. On the subject of teeth, typical floss is not only made of plastic, but containsfriendl substances, which are toxic for humans. Charcoal Dental Floss is an awesome alternative.

If you read until here, you’ve already done quite a bit to become a more eco-conscious consumer. This subject may feel overwhelming at times, but doing something, no matter how small, is always better than stagnation. Whether you’re a sustainability novice or someone who dedicates their life to being 100% waste free, helping the environment in any way is an achievement to be proud of.

In our opinion, these are great starter eco-friendly products that would help you to live sustainably and zero-waste. Most of them you can receive in Kiwi Eco Box by signing up for our subscription. By living green, you’re saving not only your life, but life of future generation as well.

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